Site Design & Permitting

Services Offered

Once a suitable site is selected and our client’s goals and desires are understood, Strategis provides cost-effective and timely commercial, industrial, or institutional site design.

We merge existing site characteristics with our client’s needs through low-impact development designs; find further cost-effective site solutions though value engineering; and meet federal, state, and local water quality requirements through storm water management and erosion and sediment control best-management practices.

In conjunction with the site’s design, Strategis will complete permitting associated with the development:

  • State and Local Utility and Access Encroachment Permitting
  • Utility Extension, and Relocation Permitting
  • NPDES Land Disturbance Permitting
  • Local Zoning Compliance
  • Nationwide and Individual Wetlands Permitting

When the project nears completion, we coordinate closeout documents and record drawings as necessary to close any open permits.